Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Michael-Ann and Tristan Visit San Diego

Last weekend, MA and Tristan came to San Diego to go to the zoo and see the Famous San Diego Pandas! Here are some pics from the adventure!

Baby Cheetah! I want one.

Tristan getting her pic drawn at the Wild Animal Park

yum yum!

Tristan and the Panda (whose name I forgot!)

The famous Panda!

Michael- Ann and Tristan on the couch (avoiding Stella slobber....)

Stella was POOPED! She LOVED Tristan and followed her around EVERYWHERE!


Ashley said...

I want one!!! That is, a baby cheetah, panda, and Stella. Looks like you all had so much fun!! :)

Ashley said...

PS Stella looks like twice as big as the last time I saw her! Very bull-dog-ee, too!