Thursday, November 8, 2007

If I could do anything right now....

I would go rollerskating! I love rollerskating... and not with rollerblades out on the street, but real "old-fashioned" roller skating, with the skates, and the rink, the flashing lights and disco ball, skating around listening to 80's hits, mostly Bryan Adams, getting a small sprite with the crunchie ice and hanging out. Yes, if I could do anything right now, I would be roller skating... what would you do?


Elizabeth said...

shelby, i am thrilled to see this post. i mentioned rollerSKATING the other week and someone laughed at me for not being a rollerBLADER. what a jerk....

Anonymous said...

this post was by ASHLEY. I am a ROLLER BLADER. It is my life passion to blade. you can either accept or not.