Grocery Stores and me do not get along. The aisles. The choices. The looking and searching. My inability to see things that are right in front of my face! I am a terrible, uncomfortable grocery shopper.

I had a specific goal in mind when I entered the local Whole Foods tonight- a store I never go to alone, or for any reason of my own (my grocery needs are typically met online at FreshDirect.com). So tonight when I entered Whole Foods Tribeca, I should have guessed I'd be in for it. I kid you not, there was no back wall. The place was HUGE. There were SEVEN ROWS OF ROWS. I was looking for the baking aisle. I walked for 6 and a half minutes and finally reached the other side with no sighting. I was directed halfway back where I found the aisle I was looking for, having managed to pass it twice. I stared at the shelves. The term "Whole Foods" really means "everything's organic and you've never heard of the brand". I was further crippled. Crisco? Shortening? Why would that be easy to find? Five minutes of my life, gone. Did they have any corn syrup?? I had to call Brenda... "Corn syrup is organic" she tells me. Ten minutes, gone. I finally found "Brown Rice Syrup" and "Baking Syrup". I went with the non-specific Baking Syrup. On to the checkout. Third in line, I was almost free! The cashier rang up the first person. "I brought my own bags" they said, and the cashier smiled. Second in line! The cashier says to the man- "Did you bring your own bags?" he said, "Yes, of course!" and her friendliness continued. Suddenly I realized-wait... I don't have my own bags! My arms were full, and it was clear I was without... what was going to happen? Would she charge me extra for the brown paper bag? Would they make me shove the corn syrup and shortening in my purse?? I felt her eyes, could she tell I don't recycle?? (regularly)?? My heart was racing, it was MY TURN. I smiled, and held my breath...
The next few moments were a bit hazy, but I managed to escape with my life, sanity, and a recyclable brown paper bag holding several organic items. Things were looking up!
Halfway home I tripped and the paper handle ripped off my bag.
we are the same person.
I have another friend that wrote about her drama at the grocery store on the same day you wrote about yours! Maybe it was a full moon or something! :)
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