Yes, I actually have friends in New York (for all of you that may doubt it- due to hearing from me endlessly via cell phone, everyday, more than once). Here we are out to dinner at Ulyssees, this great little place located 2 blocks from my apartment! It only took me a year to find it! NY is kinda big. AND special thanks to Kim Jones (left) for helping me look tan in this picture! (Kim, Me, Lyndee, Brenda)
Mormon Night at the Mets! (no joke!) From left: Kim, Lyndee, Courtnie, Me
Lyndee, Courtnie, Ashley, Brenda, Kim and the baseball field... Go METS!
Woah, kind of close, and kind of big head, but still a-smiling! (Ashley, Lyndee, Kim)
Honey Corn Muffins
10 hours ago