Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Ren and Stimpy

Inside jokes... when Shelby and I were younger, she had a love affair with Ren and Stimpy. I thought they were kind of gross, and she thought they were awesome... so of course I loved them too.

The point is, there was this one episode where it was Ren's turn to be mauled by the Mandrill. I found this picture on the Nat Geo website and laughed, it TOTALLY reminds me of that. Yes, it is disturbing. Look at his eyes!


Anonymous said...

I think it was Stimpy's turn to be mauled by the Mandril. For some reason I remember Ren saying "Mandril." That is EXACTLY what it looked like too!

Elizabeth said...

i LOVED that show. i loved the episode in space with that button. "maaaaaybe something good, maaaaaaybe something bad, that's just it! we don't know!!"

Ashley said...

okay, I changed it to mandrill... but I totally remember Ren stepping into the mandrill's mouth!

Lindsay Brummer said...

okay, i so remember shelby's love of those guys. too funny! i wish we could go back and re-live some of childhood times for a few days; we had SO MUCH FUN!!